The easiest way to count garter stitch rows is by measuring the ridges and multiplying the number by two. Make sure not to count the cast-on row while counting the rows.
How to Count Garter Stitch Rows
While knitting in garter stitch, you may notice the pattern instructions saying ‘knit 20/30 rows’, and counting on each row might be stressful using a row counter. Knitting every row, turning your work after each row is called a garter-stitch. It is the double-sided fabric created when you have to knit every stitch on every row.
Once you understand what you’re looking at, it gets quite easy to count stitches and rows in Garter Stitch. You can just count the rows by looking at your work, without using any row counter.
Observe the Ridges
You can see interconnecting ridges of stitches, one at the top, the next at the bottom, and so on along the ridge if you look at Garter Stitch fabric. Each “ridge” consists of two rows of knitting.
If you look at the orange you’ll notice the 2 rows of garter stitch or one ridge. The easier way to count is to count the ridges because they stick out pretty well. After that, multiply that number by 2 to get the number of rows.
The Tail on the Same Side
Another easy trick to follow is if your tail is on the same side as your working yarn, there’s an even number of rows. First, point your needle-tip to the right. Then count the garter-stitch ridges, not counting the cast-on row. Each ridge includes two rows as mentioned before.
The Tail on the Opposite Side
If your tail is on the opposite side as your working yarn, you have done an odd number of rows. First, point your needle-tip to the right. Then count the garter-stitch ridges, make sure not to count the cast-on row. Count the row on the needle as the last row. You should have an odd number of rows.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many rows is a garter ridge?
Each ridge contains two rows of knitting.
How can I tell how many rows I have knitted?
Look for V shapes to identify a knit stitch. For each V is a stitch in a row, so you can easily count rows by counting the V’s from the bottom to the top of your knitting. To be more precise, if you count 3V’s from the bottom to the top of your knitting, it has 3 rows in it.
Is garter stitch knit row purl one row?
Garter stitch has a square gauge, unlike most knitted fabrics. That means that there are usually twice as many rows as stitches in 1 inch.
Does the cast on row count as Row 1?
Even though some cast-on methods create both a cast-on and a knitted row, the cast on itself is not counted. The long-tail method makes both a cast on and a knitted row. You have to count that as the first row in these cases.
Do you count cast off as a row?
You shouldn’t count is the “row” formed by the cast on. The cast on doesn’t count as a row, however, it’s easier to count all the rows in the worked fabric which is below the needle. Do not count the loops on the needle, just count the loops below from right down to the bottom
To Conclude
It gets really easy once you get the hold of counting the garter stitch rows. Make sure you only switch colors when the pretty side is facing you to avoid two-color bumps from peeking through randomly throughout your scarf.
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